Why Grassroots?

Why Grassroots?

Q: IDRN emphasizes the grassroots aspect of our network. Why? A: Most disaster response efforts could benefit from more informed grassroots engagement. First, let us revisit things that are opposite of grassroots. Top-down. Highly structured. Corporate. Government. Elite. An establishment or power structure proactively shaping a culture or society with an agenda. Whatever word one uses, the understanding is that there is power, control, resources, organization, agendas, and the ability to “make things happen.” In the disaster response world, large groups like governments, the United Nations, and large NGOs immediately dominate most people’s thinking. Why? That is because they typically...

A Month of Vision+Q&A Sessions

A Month of Vision+Q&A Sessions

May 2024 is an important month as we are consolidating what has been learned from the past 8 months of meetings, travel, and introductions. We will be working to significantly increase and improve the clarity of what the International Disaster Response Network (IDRN) will look like in the future. The initial and specific plans we will be pursuing need to be discussed and vetted through more conversation and tweaks. Ultimately, we hope to find a healthy alignment with all of those people and groups we are actively inviting to be part of this exciting and promising future. As part of...

Personal Introductions: Viral Growth & Network Effects

Personal Introductions: Viral Growth & Network Effects

Over the recent months, we have been encouraged to meet with people from over 50 different countries – introducing the vision for relaunching IDRN this coming year as a registry focused on improving awareness. That awareness will be multifaceted including:   awareness of those responding to a specific crisis event,   awareness of various groups’ focuses and personalities as we help those groups find new supporters and volunteers,   awareness of the many amazing resources that already exist specifically to help people prepare and respond better, and   awareness of best practices that we can celebrate with the hope that others will...

IDRN Regional Gathering Research

IDRN Regional Gathering Research

We have been actively researching possible venues to host an IDRN Global regional gathering – especially accessible to Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Current, venues being considered are in Cairo, Egypt and Istanbul, Turkey. We are looking at early December 2024 or January 2025 as a possible timeframe. If you are interested in hearing more, providing opinions as to what is best for you, or ask questions, please feel free to use the FRIENDS of IDRN form on the website. Even if you’ve already registered, it will be no problem to send another message. We’re excited about the possibilities...

Introduction Video

Introduction Video

When we need everything all at once – systems, explainers, websites, printed material, examples, stories – it can be difficult to know to do first. And then sometimes, it becomes very clear. We are meeting a lot of people at this current conference – more than we met in Africa in late January. It would have been nice to have a video then. But now we are meeting even more totally new people (with even less knowledge of IDRN) who would really benefit from an introduction & overview. And now, since we”ve been able to “dial in” some terminology that...

Seoul IDRN Korea Meeting – August 2024!

Seoul IDRN Korea Meeting – August 2024!

We are pleased to announce that our venue and other important details have been confirmed for a key International Disaster Response Network gathering to be held in Seoul, South Korea, August 27-30, 2024. Please put the last week of August 2024 on your calendar if there is any chance you might be able to join us. Details are below. It is exciting to share this news because this meeting is a bridge. This meeting will be a bridge from the PAST into the FUTURE for the International Disaster Response Network. The people who have been living and breathing IDRN since...