Introduction Video

Introduction Video

When we need everything all at once – systems, explainers, websites, printed material, examples, stories – it can be difficult to know to do first.

And then sometimes, it becomes very clear. We are meeting a lot of people at this current conference – more than we met in Africa in late January. It would have been nice to have a video then. But now we are meeting even more totally new people (with even less knowledge of IDRN) who would really benefit from an introduction & overview. And now, since we”ve been able to “dial in” some terminology that seems to communicate vision well, it was much easier to make one.

We always have room for improvement, and you can expect a lot of that as 2024 progresses. However, we are also pleased with this initial Overview Introduction videoespecially when you consider it was conceived, written, recorded, and edited in less than 24 hours. Hopefully, the quality didn’t suffer too much from the quick turnaround. Regardless, this video is helpful, in our opinion. We hope you agree.