
Home / Who We Are / Relaunch

If you haven’t already, please check out the History page. Our history is clearly part of the story, and the previous way IDRN was built and evolved over the years is now why we consider 2024 the year of our “Re-Launch” since we are changing up our focus. As progress is being made, the majority of the true “re-launch” is likely to materialize in 2025.

During this period of reimagination and re-lauch, we will hopefully see some of the ideas we are presenting about the New IDRN actually come to pass. Systems where new (and old) members can actually REGISTER themselves, REGISTER resources that everyone should know about, and REGISTER when response efforts are in-progress. This should be exciting.

Below is a flyer that we posted back in 2023 when we first reclaimed and activated this website’s URL – domain name. The branding and logo reworks were not yet ready, but you can read the general idea.

Check it. AND please do what this flyer recommends (if you have not already done that.) Become a “Friend of IDRN!”