Istanbul Registration

Istanbul Registration
To attend the December 6-10, 2024, International Disaster Response Network (IDRN) Gathering in Istanbul, Turkey, each attendee must complete and submit the following form.


PLEASE NOTE the VENUE has changed AS OF NOVEMBER 23, 2024. Please disregard previous venue information and use this information below!

Our meetings will BEGIN on Friday, December 6th, with dinner and END on Tuesday, December 10th, with lunch. It will take place at:

Windsor Hotel & Convention Center
Yenidoğan, Erciyes Sokağı No: 7, 34030
Bayrampaşa/İstanbul, Türkiye 

Our local hosting group is Rainbow Tours, and they will handle everything with the hotel, so please don’t be in direct touch with the hotel.

The venue is located on the European side and so most will want to book flights to the Istanbul Airport (IST), NOT to Sabiha Gökçen (SAW). The airport transfer costs included in the registration are for IST. TRANSPORTATION FROM THE AIRPORT TO THE VENUE is included in the overall registration fee with Rainbow Tours coordinating with IDRN to get you from the airport (IST) to the hotel. If possible, please schedule your flights to arrive on Friday (6th) before 2 pm, and to depart on Tuesday (10th) late afternoon or evening.


Indicate below if you want or need to extend your stay on either end so that we have reserved needed rooms for extra nights. When calculating additional days, the full board cost is 100 EUR per person per night for double room and 160 EUR per person per night for single room.

Please fill out the following information so arrangements can be made for you. Note that each individual person coming must register separately.

We are looking forward to our time together this coming December in Istanbul, Türkiye!!!


  • Enabling Grassroots Initiatives in Alignment with Sendai Framework Commitments
  • Updates & Lessons Learned: Ukraine, Turkey, Gaza, and more from attendees
  • Relationship Building & Regional Expectations for IDRN
  • Time with New Connections (Istanbul Sites)

    Special Guest Speakers:

    • Pat Cullen – Security and Emergency Services Advisor (Canada)
    • Adeel Rehmat – Executive Director of Pak Mission Society (Pakistan)
    • Evert Bopp – Founder of Disaster Tech Labs (Netherlands)
    • Aris Papadopoulos – Founding Chair, Resilience Action Fund (USA)
    • Maj. General (Retired) Timothy Cross CBE – ’99 KFOR Cmdr (UK)
    • Others (TBD)


The provided agenda will likely be adjusted before the event. CLICK HERE to review the latest version. 


In the form below, registration pricing includes airport transfer fees, hotel room, food, and registration fees.

  • Single person, shared room: 645 EUR
  • Single person, no roommate: 910 EUR
  • Couple, shared room w specific designated roommate: 605 EUR

NOTE: These prices cover the entire meeting… Friday evening start, Tuesday morning finish… four nights (Fri/Sat/Sun/Monday)… with meals.

IDRN Registration for Istanbul Dec. 6-10, 2024

This is the official form for registering for the December 2024 IDRN event in Istanbul, Turkey.

Please make sure this matches EXACTLY how your name is found in your PASSPORT.
Please use the address as stated in your passport
Please include COUNTRY CODE +prefix
Please note if you have a preferred messaging service that is tied to this phone number.
SIGNAL Group Communications(Required)
Please select whichever is appropriate for you.
Share what group, organization, or network you identify with. Please list your primary one first, but include others if appropriate.
Please share the date you arrive in Istanbul. If you are local, please enter the first date you will be at the event.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please share the date you depart from Istanbul. If you are local, please enter the last date you will be at the event.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If you are local, please enter "NA" or other comment. Please provide specific flight information (if you have it) and any additional details regarding your transportation needs or circumstances - especially if there are expectations of IDRN Global regarding transportation. *** If you DO NOT have your flight information confirmed yet, please share your intentions. ***
Room Preference(Required)
Please make sure that this option matches the pricing selected later in this form.
Please share with us the name of a person requested to be a roommate.... or provide instructions regarding this if no specific person is listed. If no information if provided, we will make the arrangements for you.
Special Food Requirements?(Required)
Do you have any food allergies that the dining room needs to be aware of? Do you have specific food requirements? ***Please note that we may not be able to accommodate every request, but we will do our best.***
If you answered "Yes" above, please list here your food allergies or other food-related requests.
VISA Help(Required)
Will you need help in securing a Visa for Türkiye? This link might be helpful:
Registration Type & Pricing(Required)
Registration pricing INCLUDES airport transfer fees, hotel room, food, and registration fees for Friday evening start, Tuesday morning finish, four nights (Fri/Sat/Sun/Mon) with meals. *** Please select the following appropriate option. If you are LOCAL or have some variable that does not fit these standard options, please select OTHER and we will follow up and confirm pricing for you.***

Financial Assistance(Required)
Please confirm if some level of financial assistance is a requirement for attending. ***Please note, there are some specific cases where some level of assistance is being attempted. Travel expenses are NOT being offered to anyone.***

Registration Payment(Required)
Please confirm method by which you will pay the registration fee.

Please share or ask whatever you would like in this field.

Make sure to have selected the blue SUBMIT button above. We look forward to our time together!