
Key friends of IDRN shared this video. Both versions are the epitome of the concepts upon which IDRN seeks to operate. I often use the word ‘reimagine’ when engaging people who have been part of IDRN in the past to highlight that what we are in the process of building will be different than what original IDRN members would have experienced. Our new goal seeks to minimize top-down and centralized approaches and maximize decentralization and peer collaboration as much as is possible.

I have seen few examples that more gracefully and effectively highlight the spirit of the network IDRN Global seeks to enable. Please check out one of these. The four minute version is excellent. However, if you can invest 20 minutes in the video directly below, do that!

We celebrate those who created this video. BRAVO!

Note: IDRN has no formal connections to Converge, yet! Check out and for anyone we find in our relational networks tied to this network, we’ll hope that IDRN will be an integral partner and friend going forward.

20 minutes version