Volunteer Position Examples

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The network will never reach its true potential if IDRN members do not voluntarily assist when possible as they become aware of needs, opportunities, and new connections. To help everyone get an idea of things that regular people could do if they decided to help out, here are some examples.


Champions are individuals who foster a positive and enriching experience for a specific group within the network. They understand that the overall success and growth of the entire network is intrinsically linked to the well-being, engagement, and expansion of each individual subgroup. By taking special interest in their designated group, champions empower them to thrive, ultimately strengthening the collective network. Every subgroup, regardless of its specific focus or composition, can benefit greatly from the guidance and support of a dedicated champion.

Examples include: geographical-oriented champions, career or expertise-oriented champions, demographically-oriented champions, or any other interest or topical focus that might benefit from a dedicated champion. The goal of each formally-designated champion is to both encourage and benefit the champion’s group, but to figure out the best way to strengthen the entire IDRN through this groups participation in and through the network.

  • State of New York Champion
  • City of Tokyo Champion
  • Country of Ecuador Champion
  • Sub-Saharan African Champion
  • Ex-Military Personnel Champion
  • Navy (Current & Retired) Champion
  • Journalism Champion
  • Registered Nurses Champion
  • Government Employees Champion
  • Single Moms Champion
  • Grandparents Champion
  • Mandarin Speakers Champion
  • Shipping Industry Champion
  • Software Developers Champion
  • Air & Space Champion

From these examples, one can see that Champions can be defined for subsets of other defined groups that have a Champion. If an area of focus grows to the point where multiple people want to work together, a Lead Champion will be designated – hopefully the most qualified and appropriate person.


Ambassadors are the link between a registered group and the rest of IDRN. They are to look at when and how best to report IDRN information to their group – using the appropriate methods that will benefit everyone. It is possible that someone could be an IDRN group Ambassador AND a designated Champion or volunteer in other capacities. However, a person serving as a key contact point within the network is serving in a very important capacity.

Network Support

IDRN seeks to provide the minimal amount of simple systems necessary to accomplish goals of increasing awareness, encouraging best practices, and promoting new and better collaboration. Within those basic simple systems, IDRN members will need to be able to trust the information that is shared. Issues of trust are central to any network. Listed are a few jobs that IDRN sees volunteers assisting with:

  • Vetting: Confirming information provided by members in their profiles – especially in dealing with qualifications and expertise
  • Tech Support: Assisting other members with their understanding and use of the systems provided through IDRN
  • Data Cleanup: Reviewing the consistency and formatting of raw data in the various systems

In addition to data-specific jobs, volunteers can assist the network as:

  • Trainers/Training Facilitators: Those willing to train/instruct others
  • Evangelists: People willing to introduce others by representing IDRN in new settings and with new audiences

All of these jobs or positions could be turned into an Approved Volunteer Position through the AVP Program. The AVP Program helps people take a solid step towards formalizing the work so that they can possibly secure financial support through their personal networks. Learn more about the AVP Program.