Looking for Volunteers

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The following positions are those that IDRN is most interested in filling first.

While we'll accept more regionally specific-focused Champions, IDRN is actively looking for Champions for each nation. Volunteers who know they will not ultimately be the most qualified for such a title are still welcomed to help us get started. All volunteers with Country-level focuses are encouraged to find their own replacements if they find qualified and willing people to join as Country Champions.

IDRN needs individuals who will intentionally work with IDRN Global to welcome new members to make them feel welcome, help them find what they are looking for, and answer questions that arise.

Each IDRN Service Sector requires a Level 7 Sector Manager. These managers will be selected from existing Level 5 or 6 members within their respective sectors. Their role will be to define and clarify the specific qualifications that distinguish Levels 3, 4, 5, and 6 within their Service Sector.

Service Sectors are:

  • A: Accounting/Finance
  • C: Communications
  • D: Develop/Infrastructure
  • F: Field/Deployment
  • H: Health/Medical
  • L: Logistics
  • M: Management
  • N: Network (IDRN-specific)
  • P: Policy/Legal/Gov't
  • R: Research/Data/Reports
  • S: Security
  • T: Training
  • V: Vendor
  • W: Well-Being
  • X: Undecided/General