IDRN Membership Policy & Guidelines

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We are proud to share our official policies for appropriate network behavior and guidelines, which serve as a roadmap for our collective efforts to promote awareness, best practices, with new and better collaboration within the world regarding disaster preparedness, mitigation, and response. These policies outline our expectations for all network members, partners, and stakeholders, and they provide a framework for responsible and ethical engagement. When adhering to these principles and behaviors, IDRN members can ensure that our actions are aligned with our network values and that we are effectively navigating the way we collectively prepare for and respond to inevitable crisis situations.

IDRN values openness and strives to be inclusive. Membership in the IDRN Network is generally at-will, meaning that either IDRN or the member may choose to terminate membership at any time, without providing a specific reason. However, IDRN reserves the right to decline or terminate membership in situations that could negatively impact the network’s reputation, integrity, or alignment with its mission and values. There are some exceptions to this rule, such as contracts, discrimination laws, public policy, or implied promises.

General Principles as IDRN pursues:

  • Humanity: Uphold the dignity and rights of all individuals affected by crises, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Impartiality: Deliver aid and assistance based on need alone, without discrimination based on nationality, race, religion, gender, or political affiliation.
  • Neutrality: Refrain from taking sides in hostilities or engaging in activities that may be perceived as political when identifying as IDRN.
  • Autonomy: Individuals and groups remain responsible for their own actions and inactions as separate and independent entities – both formal and informal.
  • Independence: Maintain autonomy as we recognize that political and military actors often play a constructive role in humanitarian response. The interaction between these actors and IDRN must align with humanitarian principles and must not compromise our neutrality as a network.
  • Respect: Treat all individuals with dignity and respect, taking into account their cultural and social norms.
  • Non-discrimination: Ensure equitable access to aid and services for all individuals in need.
  • Do No Harm: Avoid actions that cause harm or exacerbate suffering.
  • Confidentiality: Protect the privacy and confidentiality of sensitive information using reasonable approaches that are aligned with the intentions of those impacted.
  • Accountability: Take responsibility for actions and decisions, ensuring transparency and adherence to basic humanitarian standards.
  • Collaboration: Voluntarily connect, cooperate, coordinate, and/or collaborate with other humanitarian actors when appropriate to maximize the effectiveness of aid and assistance.
  • Professionalism: Maintain high standards of professionalism and ethical conduct.
  • Cultural Sensitivity: Recognize and respect cultural differences, adapting communication and behavior accordingly.
  • Child Protection: Prioritize the safety and well-being of children, taking measures to prevent harm and exploitation.
  • Gender Respect: Promote, empower, encourage, and support respect for all people, especially women and girls in all aspects of humanitarian action.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Minimize negative environmental impact of humanitarian activities, promoting sustainable practices, while ensuring such priorities are not to the detriment of or harm to people – especially those currently enduring disaster or crisis situations.
  • Reconciliation: Value reconciliation and healing as an integral part of our individual and collective work.

Membership in this network does not imply agreement with other members on all issues, including potentially contentious topics like politics and religion. Rather, IDRN membership signifies a shared commitment to humanitarian principles, increasing awareness of relevant resources, promotion of best practices, with a desire to see new and better collaborative action.

IDRN respects the autonomy of its member organizations and their diverse assignments. While we celebrate this individuality, we also ask that members refrain from equating the IDRN name or logo with their pursuit or promotion of their own independent agendas – including political, religious, or financial. In other words, individuals and groups do not have to deny their identity while actively working within the IDRN network. However, they cannot elevate their own agenda(s) above IDRN principles or functionally operate in the name of IDRN while doing that. This allows each organization to maintain its distinct identity while still benefiting from the collaborative power of the network.

Should a member’s actions or statements consistently deviate from the network’s established principles and guidelines, a formal warning will be issued, outlining the specific concerns and offering an opportunity for rectification. We believe in providing members with the chance to realign their actions with our shared values and commitments.

If, after due process, a member continues to violate the network’s core principles, their membership will be revoked. Such a decision will be made collectively and transparently, upholding the integrity and reputation of the network. In the event of membership revocation, a public statement will be issued, clarifying the reasons for the decision and reaffirming the network’s commitment to its guiding principles. Such statements will serve to maintain transparency and accountability within the humanitarian community.

IDRN is dedicated to highlighting and encouraging all types of best practices across the disaster response landscape. This includes encouraging all members and the larger network to embody these standards of ethical conduct and professionalism. We believe that these measures are essential for preserving the integrity and impact of our network.

As that is true, it is important to acknowledge the inherent challenges of fostering a true grassroots network that is full of non-professionals. In as much as is possible, IDRN members will encourage one another, both amateurs and professionals, towards the standards outlined here by IDRN.

Public Feedback Form

This form is open to all IDRN members and the general public to share feedback, concerns, or questions regarding IDRN’s policies and guidelines. Your input is valuable to us and helps ensure our actions align with our stated values.

Confidentiality: All submissions will be kept confidential and reviewed by a small, diverse group of IDRN leaders to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the issues raised.

We encourage you to be open and honest in your feedback, as it will directly contribute to improving IDRN’s ability to serve its members and fulfill its mission.

Thank you for helping us create a stronger and more effective organization.

Please use the following form to submit questions, comments, or complaints regarding IDRN’s policies, guidelines, or observed behavior of members that appear to be out of alignment with these stated standards.


Observed Behavior Feedback to IDRN

Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.

We appreciate and request honest and frank feedback that we trust will improve IDRN’s ability to live out our stated values.