International Advisors

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Valuable Global Perspectives

Even though IDRN Global is not directing the activities of our autonomous registry members, we are focused on building a light-weight, basic infrastructure to allow IDRN members to…. network. In as much as IDRN Global is just one group within the network, we are taking the lead in some critical areas. And things that make sense to us, don’t always “translate.” In this case, we are working within the English language for primary networking. However, culturally speaking, worldviews and regional perspectives can really impact whether or not a system or idea works globally.

We seek to identify and address possible blind spots we inadvertently interject into IDRN’s systems and approaches. To do this, we are blessed to have a collection of trusted individuals from a variety of cultures who will keep a watch on such things and help guide the overall network to good places.

As a grassroots network, we are not solely focused on disaster response expertise for selecting our advisors, even though that will always be very useful. We appreciate these volunteers for their investments and support of IDRN.


IDRN’s International Advisory Committee


Biographical Information
* Full names are only used for the most public figures

We appreciate our International Advisory Committee and want to honor their support.

Simultaneously, we are seeking to shield our grassroot members from too much unnecessary exposure. 

In the case of those individuals who are truly public figures (often government officials) we have provided their entire name. 

Mike is a Canadian emergency management expert with decades of response experience addressing a wide range of hazards in British Columbia. Mike is now a consultant who has adapted his many experiences into customized training and highly immersive and realistic exercises.

Major General (Retired) Tim Cross CBE was commissioned into the British Army in 1971. Alongside various tours in GB and with NATO in Germany, he served in Northern Ireland in 1977 leading a small bomb disposal team, with the UN in Cyprus in 1980/81, Kuwait/Iraq in 1990/91 and Bosnia in 1995-1997, and Kosovo in 1999 as a Brigade Commander. In Oct ‘02 he was involved in the planning for military operations in Iraq, and in 2003 deployed to Washington, Kuwait and then Baghdad. Assuming command of the largest of the three Divisions of the UK Field Army in Oct ’04, he retired in Jan ’07.

A Lay Minister in the Church of England and an itinerant preacher and international speaker, Tim is engaged in many aspects of leadership development, and is also the Board of 2 UK/International businesses.

* as a very public figure, this bio includes his surname

Elmer G is the CEO & Founder of the International Channel Foundation of South East Asia. He has also been the Lead Trainer for the International Disaster Response Network in South-East Asia since 2007 and has significant field experience, especially in the Philippines and Indonesia.

John Abraham Godson is a leading Polish and Nigerian politician and the first African member of the Polish Parliament 2010-2015.

He is former chair of parliamentary group for Africa, chair of Polish-Nigerian parliamentary group, chair of Polish-British parliamentary group, member of foreign affairs committee, member of the NATO Parliament, member of Polish-Israeli parliamentary group.

He is a special adviser to the Nigerian in the Diaspora Commission (NIDCOM), member of the Nigerian Federal Government Technical Working Group (TWG) and Nigeria Agenda 2050.

John Abraham is also a pastor, academic, lecturer, author, investor and CEO of Afropoland Ltd.

* as a very public figure, this bio includes his full name

Felicity is British and has lived in Egypt since 1999 working as a psychotherapist and in sustainable desert agriculture. She has had significant experience working in education and volunteering in poverty-alleviating NGOs and with African refugees living in Egypt.

Kim Jin Hyung is currently the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Fiji. He also has worked with regional non-profits, including IDRN Korea, after retiring from the Republic of Korea’s Navy serving as a Fleet Commander.

* as a very public figure, this bio includes his full name

Yolande is the co-founder and CEO of the Crisis Response Network (CRN), a section 18a registered non-profit based in South Africa. CRN is not a traditional first responder humanitarian organisation, but works locally and internationally through grassroots and resource partners to support their response to their communities in crisis. Yolande also serves on the board of Crisis Consulting International and holds a Masters in Psychology and Pastoral Counselling.

Nadia is a highly decorated medical doctor who is retired from years of highly respected government service in the country of Jordan. She now works with her husband supporting and encouraging women in Jordan, the region, and beyond.

Pradeep is a media producer and community-minded entrepreneur who has decades of experience in the space and is in tune with cross-cultural issues and non-profit work.

Adeel is the Founder & CEO of Pak Mission Society. He is a strategic leader and community development practitioner with 20 years of experience serving Pakistan’s most vulnerable and unprivileged communities. He has a strong passion towards leadership and youth development initiatives to change the conventional narratives and mindsets to overcome identity crises. His initiatives in fostering a culture of innovation, partnership and strategic thinking have propelled the organisation to the forefront of community development in Pakistan.

Mary is a certified Trauma counselor with many years of experience and a Transformational leader. She is a strategic and  critical thinker. This has helped to find good preventive measures and solutions to complex and critical challenges in individual lives, Teams and international Organizations which she has worked with.

Gabriel is a Software Engineer with experience in mobile apps and web applications, some of which are related to IDRN and other non-profit support.

Daron is based in Malaysia and serves regionally to support IDRN networks for Community Based Disaster Preparedness and Community Based Disaster Response actions.

Vironica is the Surabaya Pack Leader for Humanitarian Assistance Network for Development (HAND) and has been leading field work in Indonesia for many years and has a solid hands-on perspective in training and supporting efforts in assisting communities after a disaster.