Introduction Video

Introduction Video

When we need everything all at once – systems, explainers, websites, printed material, examples, stories – it can be difficult to know to do first. And then sometimes, it becomes very clear. We are meeting a lot of people at this current conference – more than we met in Africa in late January. It would have been nice to have a video then. But now we are meeting even more totally new people (with even less knowledge of IDRN) who would really benefit from an introduction & overview. And now, since we”ve been able to “dial in” some terminology that...

Seoul IDRN Korea Meeting – August 2024!

Seoul IDRN Korea Meeting – August 2024!

We are pleased to announce that our venue and other important details have been confirmed for a key International Disaster Response Network gathering to be held in Seoul, South Korea, August 27-30, 2024. Please put the last week of August 2024 on your calendar if there is any chance you might be able to join us. Details are below. It is exciting to share this news because this meeting is a bridge. This meeting will be a bridge from the PAST into the FUTURE for the International Disaster Response Network. The people who have been living and breathing IDRN since...